Thursday, March 19, 2020


ABSTRACTTab/experiment The objective of this experiment was to examine the electrophoretic behavior of hemoglobin from a normal person and from a person who has the sickle cell trait. Sickle cell disease is an inherited autosomal recessive gene. If the person has the inherited gene for sickle cell disease (hemoglobin S) from only one parent, then they are heterozygous and carry the trait. When the gene for hemoglobin S is inherited from both parents, the individual is homozygous and has a severe case of anemia. Electrophoresis is used in clinical laboratories to detect abnormal hemoglobins. Normal hemoglobin A had a strong negative charge therefore moved faster. Variant hemoglobin S had a weak negative charge resulting in slow movement.INTRODUCTIONRed blood cells (erythrocytes) carry the globular protein hemoglobin in the circulation. This protein transports oxygen from the lungs to the tissue. The structure of hemoglobin has changed by mutations among human population.A single amino acid change causes hem oglobin to fo...One out of 100 people have a mutant hemoglobin gene and they have abnormal hemoglobin in their blood. Usually harmless, mutations involve the substitution of one amino acid for another; however, some mutations may cause serious diseases such as sickle cell disease. Hemoglobin S is the most common and serious abnormal hemoglobin. In this mutation, a single glutamic acid residue on the Beta-chains is replaced by valine. This single change in the primary sequence causes a marked change in net charge and conformation of the protein. When hemoglobin S is deoxygenated, it crystallizes in the red blood cells and this leads to a distortion of the red cells into a sickle shape. These abnormal cells are then destroyed rapidly in the body which leads to a reduced number of erythrocytes; hence the term, sickle cell anemia.Hemoglobin S is thought to have originated in Africa among the Black population. It...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Identifying Adjective Clauses Exercise

Identifying Adjective Clauses Exercise Instructions for the Exercise in Identifying Adjective Clauses Only some of the sentences below contain adjective clauses  (also called relative clauses). See if you can pick out the adjective clauses, and then compare your responses with the answers below. Identify the Adjective Clauses I bought a car from Merdine, and it turned out to be a lemon.The car that I bought from Merdine turned out to be a lemon.Pandora, who had recently celebrated a birthday, opened the box of gifts.Lila, who has been the fire warden for 30 years, lives in a trailer with some scrappy dogs and cats.Lila, who lives in a trailer with some scrappy dogs and cats, has been the fire warden for 30 years.People who smoke cigarettes should be considerate of nonsmokers.Jacob, who smokes cigarettes, is considerate of nonsmokers.Mr. Mann has small, dark eyes, which peer inquisitively from behind metal-rimmed glasses.My wedding ring is worth at least ten dollars, and now I have lost it.I have lost my wedding ring, which is worth at least ten dollars. Answers (no adjective clause)that I bought from  Merdinewho had recently celebrated a birthdaywho has been the town fire warden for nearly 30 yearswho lives in a trailer with some scrappy dogs and catswho smoke cigarettes  which peer inquisitively from behind metal-rimmed glasses(no adjective clause)which is worth at least ten dollars